The Black Conservative Summit 2025


The 2025 Black Conservative Summit (BCS) at the Q Center in St. Charles, IL, will serve as a platform to address critical issues affecting the Black family and its broader impact on society, focusing on catalyzing a Black Conservative movement in the Midwest. The summit will examine the disintegration of the Black family, its effects on education, crime, inner-city dysfunction, and the long-term consequences on voting patterns within the Black Christian community.

Key Themes and Objectives:

  1. The disintegration of the Black Family:
   Objective: Explore the root causes of family disintegration and offer a conservative vision for reversing this trend by strengthening family values, mainly focusing on the role of fathers and the importance of marriage.
   Expected Outcomes: Increased awareness of how government welfare policies have exacerbated family breakdown, strategies for promoting family formation, and community-driven initiatives to rebuild the family structure.

2. Education:
   Objective: Address the adverse effects of broken families on education and propose conservative educational reforms, including school choice and parental rights, to help reverse this trajectory.
   Expected Outcomes: A focus on advocating for school vouchers, homeschooling options, and charter schools, as well as fostering a culture of academic excellence in Black communities.

3. Crime and Inner-City Dysfunction:
   Objective: Analyze how the breakdown of family structures contributes to inner-city crime and dysfunction—present policies emphasizing personal responsibility, economic empowerment, and local law enforcement reform.
   Expected Outcomes: A shift in policy discussions away from victimhood and toward individual accountability, community policing, and youth mentorship programs.

4. Galvanizing a Black Conservative Movement in the Midwest:
   Objective: Foster collaboration among Black Conservative groups to build a regional movement that shifts voting patterns among Black Christians.
   Expected Outcomes: Establish the Midwest as a pivotal region in the Black Conservative movement, positioning Black voters as crucial swing voters in national elections.

Town Halls Series

The Freedoms Journal Institute will host town halls in major Midwest cities within a 300- to 400-mile radius of Chicagoland (Minneapolis, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Milwaukee). Dates to be determined.
   Town Hall Topics:
      1. The Future of the Black Family: Building a Legacy
      2. Education and School Choice: A Path to Success
      3. Crime and Safety: Empowering Our Communities
      4. Economic Empowerment and Self-Sufficiency
      5. Shifting the Black Vote: A Conversation on Values
   Goals: Engage local communities, collect feedback, and mobilize grassroots support for the summit. Build partnerships with local Black Conservative groups.