A man of vision and focus, Dr. Eric Wallace couples his rich educational background with a unique ability to challenge the status quo. His post-graduate degrees in Biblical Studies (MA, ThM, Ph.D.), together with his passion and powerful message are inspiring exciting change. Eric holds the distinction of being the first African American to earn a Ph.D. in Biblical studies from Union-PSCE (Now Union Presbyterian Seminary).
Carmouche co-founded GrassTopsUSA, an Internet-based conservative grassroots organization and later formed a consulting firm, C4Strategies Inc., to share his Internet and e-mail-based fundraising and activism expertise with other conservative organizations.
Co-founder & Senior Fellow for Marriage and Family life
Jennifer L. Wallace is a woman of faith inspired by both her personal and political convictions; as well her commitment to encouraging others towards spiritual growth and maturity. Her life goals include serving the Church, in general, and the African American Church, in particular, as an ally and advocate for the advancing of a Biblical worldview
Robert Martin is a full-time senior level IT project manager with 15 years years of industry experience.. Currently a PMO Consultant at Accenture Technology working with Fortune 500 companies to execute enterprise-wide technology transformation projects and strategies. Previously employed as a project manger at Deloitte, LLP, U.S. Foods and J.P. Morgan Chase.
Meet the advisory board.

Ken Blackwell is the Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council.

She currently serves on the pastoral team of Priests for Life, as Executive Director of its outreach called Civil Rights for the Unborn.

I get to wake up in the morning and use my training as a counselor, educator, family pastor, husband, father, and coach to help people build even stronger friendships, family relationships, and faith!

A pastor, mentor and spiritual coah, pastor Corey B. Brooks, Sr. answered his call to the ministry at the age of 17 and recieved his first pastorship at the age of 23.

Dr. John West is Vice President and a Senior Fellow at the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, where he also serves as Associate Director of the Institute’s Center for Science & Culture, which he co-founded with philosopher of science Stephen Meyer in 1996.

Jameson founded Green Hill Publishers, and, in 1986, Jameson Books, both of which remain his primary business interest, producing, among others, more than fifteen million copies of conservative books.

Bishop Aubrey Shines’ bold, biblical, and practical approach to ministry has made him one of the country’s most respected evangelical leaders. He is the pastor of G2G Ministries.

Pastor Bouwer is the Pastor of Faith Church in Dyer Indiana.

Curtis Hill
Curtis Hill served as the 43rd Attorney General of Indiana from 2017 to 2021. He was the first African American elected to a statewide office in Indiana.

Charles Love
Charles Love hosts The Charles Love Show, is co-host of the Cut The Bull Podcast, and is a scholar at 1776Unites. He is the author of Logic: The Truth About Blacks and the Republican Party, and We Want Equality, How the Fight for Equality Gave Way to Preference.