It all started in 2008 with a vision to aggregate the opinion pieces of Black conservatives in a periodical named Freedom's Journal Magazine (FJM). FJM, the modern-day journal inspired by the 1827 African American newspaper of the same name, is a tribute to the courage and foresight of Samuel E. Cornish and John B. Russwurm, co-founders of America’s Black Press.
These early “freedom fighters” desired to give African Americans of their day a vehicle to voice their thoughts, ideas and opinions declaring, “[w]e wish to plead our own cause. Too long have others spoken for us. Too long has the public been deceived by misrepresentation of things which concern us dearly.”
As one might expect, these words hold as much truth today as they did when they were originally written. For us, their dedication to creating a “medium between brethren in different states [who] through its columns and expressions of sentiments on many interesting subjects which concern us, [would] be offered to the public; that plans which are apparently beneficial may be candidly discussed and properly weighed” became, in part, the impetus and vision for today’s magazine.
FJM pledges to continue their fight by looking forward to offering the latest in regional, national and international news, opinion, and editorial content with a biblical worldview. In addition, we are committed (among other things) to conserve traditional African American values; provide a much-needed platform for examining issues and concerns pursuant to ensuring our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and to preserve a legacy of black conservatism for generations to come.

Expanding the vision...
The vision expanded into an Institute that would advance beyond the magazine and herald Black conservative principles in a more strategic manner. Using the R.I.S.E. Principles we equip and organize people to articulate their conservative worldview through summits, articles and various media. (see Strategy & Objectives)
Where we are headed...
We plan to increase our media foot print through NRBtv and Christian radio. We will continue to challenge the church, in general, and the African American church, in particular, to stand for what we say we believe.
The R.I.S.E. Principles are one of our main tools for the articulation of conservative values and ideas anchored in a biblical worldview. They are the impetus that guides and undergirds our outreach.
The R.I.S.E. Principles are one of our main tools for the articulation of conservative values and ideas anchored in a biblical worldview. They are the impetus that guides and undergirds our outreach.

- May 2011 – Freedom's Journal Institute was formed, on paper. Dr. Eric and Jennifer Wallace were its co-founders.
- September 2012 – We began to hold our first board meetings and plan for the Black Conservative Summit.
- August 2013 –- We held our first Black Conservative Summit in St. Charles IL a suburb of Chicago.
- July 2014 -- Lonnie Poindexter Joins us as the managing director. Freedom's Journal radio is launched on the Urban Family Talk Radio. Dr Wallace takes a leave of absence to run for Congress.
- September 2014 -- The BCS first leadership initiative is held in Washington D.C. at the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies & Citizenship.
- November 5, 2014 -- Dr. Wallace returns as president of FJI after an unsuccessful run for political office.
- July 31, 2015 -- FJI holds its first R.I.S.E. Initiative Conference, "In Defense of Life: Why All Lives Matter," in Tinley Park, Illinois. Gov. Mike Huckabee spoke
- October1, 2015 -- FJI co-sponsors Dr. Ben Carson speech during the Olivet Nazarene University Chapel
- June 15-16, 2017 -- 2017 BCS Leadership Initiative: Black Families Matter conference was held at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D. C.
- June 17, 2017 -- FJI co-sponsored The March for Marriage in Washington D. C.
- January 2018-continues radio, TV, and Magazine presence on various media outlets
- June 2019--FJI launches mobile App and an online community
- July 2020 We held a rally for Black Families Matter
- August 2020 we reproduced the R.I.S.E. Principles videos
- September 2020 FJI launched Kingdoms in Konflict (KiK) television show, broadcasting on The Total Living Network in Chicago and San Francisco
- January 2021 KiK began broadcasting on NRBtv to over 144 million people
- September 2021 We launched our live streaming and TV Apps for Apple TV and Roku
- September 2023 FJI held the 5th annual Black Conservative Summit after a five year hiatus
- New apps for Google and Fire TV
- September 2024 FJI held it's 6th annual Black Conservative Summit with Senator Tim Scott as a keynote speaker.