A Deafening Silence

By Patrick Hall
According to government crime statistics, if you are a police officer, you are 361times more likely to be killed by a black person than the other way around. Also, blacks being only 13% of the population, commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rate of other Americans. Black crime is even more prevalent in our largest cities. For example, blacks committed 76 percent of all homicides in Chicago, IL, despite composing 35 percent of the city's population. Blacks also accounted for 78 percent of all juvenile arrests. In the city of New York, even before the current chaos we witnessed following the death of George Floyd, blacks committed 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crimes, despite only composing 23 percent of the population. Here is another statistic hiding in plain sight that doesn’t fit the secular homily proselytized by the corporate media, NPR, Democratic Party, and the “only” Black-Lives-Matter bigots. Black commit over 52% of all homicides despite only 13% of the population.
We can also add this data to the loud silence emanating from our nation’s racism industry entrepreneurs. In 2015 nearly 6000 blacks were murdered by other blacks. Of course, we are told by the liberal intelligentsia that firmly controls the Universities (CNN-NPR-BBC, national and international media cloisters, and misguided professional athletes like Lebron James and Colin Kaepernick) that poverty, systemic racism (a Leninist concept), and law enforcement are the greatest existential threat to black America. The truth is politicians, BLM social justice warriors, professional athletes, and Hollywood types have made it harder for the police to do their jobs. Notwithstanding statistical outliers such as the George Floyd murder, the police have always done the most to protect all lives.
•Natalie Wallace, age 7
• Mekhi James, age 3
•Sincere Gaston, age 1
•Lena Nunez, age 10
•Bernell Trammel, age 59, a black man and Trump supporter
These are individuals murdered by black criminals. Their deaths will not become a part of the racial or social justice lexicon. CNN-NPR-BBC will not cover their murder, as conspicuously as the George Floyd or Michael Brown incidents. Trammel and others were just a bunch of black folks killed by other blacks to the mainstream media. What’s the big deal?
They, like thousands of other slain “Persons of Color ”will only add up to an obituary notice, if that. There is little political currency to be exploited in their murders. There will be little hagiography attached to their deaths and the thousands of other victims of black-on-black crime. The selective moral outrage and deafening silence by BLM bigots and even our First Black President and current vice president are par for the course.
In Barrack Obama’s case, a few years ago, during the funeral service of Civil Rights icon John Lewis, he went out of his way to criticize law enforcement and President Trump. Obama’s comments were more than sad, if not predictable. He did not use this time to champion justice or the spirit of reconciliation. Instead, Obama, mimicking his advisor on race matters, the Rev. Al Sharpton, regurgitated the tired old bromides of collective guilt and collective retribution, the socio-political stepchildren of systemic racism and cultural diversity.
The United States in the year 2021 is not systemically nor institutionally racist! This insufferable and dangerous piece of peer-reviewed nihilism must be rejected, if we truly seek to bring a halt to the recurring nightmare of murder, crime and incivility, that plagues members of the underclass.2
[Patrick Hall is a retired university library director. He is a graduate of Canisius College and the University of Washington, where he received three advance degrees. He has published in Freedom's Journal Magazine, America, Commonweal, Headway, Journal of Academic Librarianship, American Libraries and others. He currently volunteers at a local VA hospital in the town of Erie, Pa.]
1. See., Musings of a Colored Person
2. See., The Narrative’s the Thing
According to government crime statistics, if you are a police officer, you are 361times more likely to be killed by a black person than the other way around. Also, blacks being only 13% of the population, commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rate of other Americans. Black crime is even more prevalent in our largest cities. For example, blacks committed 76 percent of all homicides in Chicago, IL, despite composing 35 percent of the city's population. Blacks also accounted for 78 percent of all juvenile arrests. In the city of New York, even before the current chaos we witnessed following the death of George Floyd, blacks committed 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crimes, despite only composing 23 percent of the population. Here is another statistic hiding in plain sight that doesn’t fit the secular homily proselytized by the corporate media, NPR, Democratic Party, and the “only” Black-Lives-Matter bigots. Black commit over 52% of all homicides despite only 13% of the population.
We can also add this data to the loud silence emanating from our nation’s racism industry entrepreneurs. In 2015 nearly 6000 blacks were murdered by other blacks. Of course, we are told by the liberal intelligentsia that firmly controls the Universities (CNN-NPR-BBC, national and international media cloisters, and misguided professional athletes like Lebron James and Colin Kaepernick) that poverty, systemic racism (a Leninist concept), and law enforcement are the greatest existential threat to black America. The truth is politicians, BLM social justice warriors, professional athletes, and Hollywood types have made it harder for the police to do their jobs. Notwithstanding statistical outliers such as the George Floyd murder, the police have always done the most to protect all lives.
•Natalie Wallace, age 7
• Mekhi James, age 3
•Sincere Gaston, age 1
•Lena Nunez, age 10
•Bernell Trammel, age 59, a black man and Trump supporter
These are individuals murdered by black criminals. Their deaths will not become a part of the racial or social justice lexicon. CNN-NPR-BBC will not cover their murder, as conspicuously as the George Floyd or Michael Brown incidents. Trammel and others were just a bunch of black folks killed by other blacks to the mainstream media. What’s the big deal?
They, like thousands of other slain “Persons of Color ”will only add up to an obituary notice, if that. There is little political currency to be exploited in their murders. There will be little hagiography attached to their deaths and the thousands of other victims of black-on-black crime. The selective moral outrage and deafening silence by BLM bigots and even our First Black President and current vice president are par for the course.
In Barrack Obama’s case, a few years ago, during the funeral service of Civil Rights icon John Lewis, he went out of his way to criticize law enforcement and President Trump. Obama’s comments were more than sad, if not predictable. He did not use this time to champion justice or the spirit of reconciliation. Instead, Obama, mimicking his advisor on race matters, the Rev. Al Sharpton, regurgitated the tired old bromides of collective guilt and collective retribution, the socio-political stepchildren of systemic racism and cultural diversity.
The United States in the year 2021 is not systemically nor institutionally racist! This insufferable and dangerous piece of peer-reviewed nihilism must be rejected, if we truly seek to bring a halt to the recurring nightmare of murder, crime and incivility, that plagues members of the underclass.2
[Patrick Hall is a retired university library director. He is a graduate of Canisius College and the University of Washington, where he received three advance degrees. He has published in Freedom's Journal Magazine, America, Commonweal, Headway, Journal of Academic Librarianship, American Libraries and others. He currently volunteers at a local VA hospital in the town of Erie, Pa.]
1. See., Musings of a Colored Person
2. See., The Narrative’s the Thing
Posted in Opinion
Posted in Black on Black crime, murder, George Floyd, Black Lives Matter, Mainstream media, #BLM, systemic racism, Patrick Hall
Posted in Black on Black crime, murder, George Floyd, Black Lives Matter, Mainstream media, #BLM, systemic racism, Patrick Hall
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