We need a David, not a Saul

Dr. Wallace is the cofounder and President of Freedom's Journal Institute. He also serves as the Publisher and editof of Freedom's Journal Magazine.
By Eric M. Wallace, PhD
As the primary season begins in Iowa, then continues to New Hampshire, then South Carolina, Republicans and especially conservatives have a decision to make. Who will be the standard bearer for Conservative ideology? Who will we choose to lead the party of Lincoln?
Before I continue, let me state that I am a Christian first and foremost. My political leanings are based on a Biblical worldview. As I choose whom I vote for, I check the biblical text to inform my choices, both candidates and policy prescriptions that align with the text. I am a black American who is concerned about the state of other Americans, especially those who look like me. However, I am worried that many professing Christians on the Left and Right are aligning themselves with candidates who have no affinity for a biblical worldview or principle whatsoever.
President Joe Biden and the Left can’t define what a woman is. They are advocating for transgenderism, as they deny biology and the clear teaching of Genesis chapter one that God made us Male and Female. (Intersex is not a gender.) They tell us men can get pregnant and have a menstrual cycle. What? There is a laundry list of other issues where the Left has lost all credibility with people who can still do critical thinking. Open borders, crime, climate change, inflation, war, and “race” are just a few of the many issues that have been weaponized.
On the right, people think former President Trump is the only person who can set things right. Really? He, first of all, is not a conservative. He ran up the national debt. He has talked about confiscating guns and suspending “due process.” He put tariffs on overseas products, which would have Milton Friedman turning in his grave. He has no problem with gay marriage and has yet to speak against the transgender movement and the alphabet mafia. He has even changed his tune on the abortion issue, criticizing states that do more to protect the unborn. It was sent to the states for that purpose so that states could set policy within their jurisdictions. It’s called the Tenth Amendment. But he doesn’t respect the Constitution. Not only was he ready to bend the Constitution in his favor on January 6th, but he also spoke again about suspending the Constitution. Add to this laundry list of nonconservative rhetoric his amateurish behavior makes him a liability to the movement based on principle, not personality. He is as bad as the progressives who show disdain for the Constitution and the rule of law.
Therefore, both candidates are trainwrecks, and I believe our adversaries are enjoying the show. They are fanning the flames of racial hatred and partisanship to new levels. It is tearing our country apart.
We should choose our presidents less emotionally. In 1 Samuel 9, the children of Israel wanted a King. They ended up choosing Saul because they looked at his superficial outward appearance. He was said to be handsome and tall. They later found out that he was prone to fits of rage and was disobedient to the commands of God. He was found to be unfit to lead the people of God. God would choose another to replace King Saul. In 1 Samuel 16:7, we read that the prophet Samuel is told by God, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (ESV)
Maybe it’s time we look at the heart of a person instead of looking at their stature or listening to their rhetoric. Neither Trump nor Biden can pass the test that God imposed on Saul. Yes, David was also imperfect in some of the decisions he made. However, he was still considered a “man after God’s own heart.” In other words, a man God would choose, not the people. In this election, it could be a woman whom God has chosen. I’m not endorsing anyone in this race; I’m just pointing out that the two front runners have much explaining to do, and neither would be my choice.
As the primary season begins in Iowa, then continues to New Hampshire, then South Carolina, Republicans and especially conservatives have a decision to make. Who will be the standard bearer for Conservative ideology? Who will we choose to lead the party of Lincoln?
Before I continue, let me state that I am a Christian first and foremost. My political leanings are based on a Biblical worldview. As I choose whom I vote for, I check the biblical text to inform my choices, both candidates and policy prescriptions that align with the text. I am a black American who is concerned about the state of other Americans, especially those who look like me. However, I am worried that many professing Christians on the Left and Right are aligning themselves with candidates who have no affinity for a biblical worldview or principle whatsoever.
President Joe Biden and the Left can’t define what a woman is. They are advocating for transgenderism, as they deny biology and the clear teaching of Genesis chapter one that God made us Male and Female. (Intersex is not a gender.) They tell us men can get pregnant and have a menstrual cycle. What? There is a laundry list of other issues where the Left has lost all credibility with people who can still do critical thinking. Open borders, crime, climate change, inflation, war, and “race” are just a few of the many issues that have been weaponized.
On the right, people think former President Trump is the only person who can set things right. Really? He, first of all, is not a conservative. He ran up the national debt. He has talked about confiscating guns and suspending “due process.” He put tariffs on overseas products, which would have Milton Friedman turning in his grave. He has no problem with gay marriage and has yet to speak against the transgender movement and the alphabet mafia. He has even changed his tune on the abortion issue, criticizing states that do more to protect the unborn. It was sent to the states for that purpose so that states could set policy within their jurisdictions. It’s called the Tenth Amendment. But he doesn’t respect the Constitution. Not only was he ready to bend the Constitution in his favor on January 6th, but he also spoke again about suspending the Constitution. Add to this laundry list of nonconservative rhetoric his amateurish behavior makes him a liability to the movement based on principle, not personality. He is as bad as the progressives who show disdain for the Constitution and the rule of law.
Therefore, both candidates are trainwrecks, and I believe our adversaries are enjoying the show. They are fanning the flames of racial hatred and partisanship to new levels. It is tearing our country apart.
We should choose our presidents less emotionally. In 1 Samuel 9, the children of Israel wanted a King. They ended up choosing Saul because they looked at his superficial outward appearance. He was said to be handsome and tall. They later found out that he was prone to fits of rage and was disobedient to the commands of God. He was found to be unfit to lead the people of God. God would choose another to replace King Saul. In 1 Samuel 16:7, we read that the prophet Samuel is told by God, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (ESV)
Maybe it’s time we look at the heart of a person instead of looking at their stature or listening to their rhetoric. Neither Trump nor Biden can pass the test that God imposed on Saul. Yes, David was also imperfect in some of the decisions he made. However, he was still considered a “man after God’s own heart.” In other words, a man God would choose, not the people. In this election, it could be a woman whom God has chosen. I’m not endorsing anyone in this race; I’m just pointing out that the two front runners have much explaining to do, and neither would be my choice.
Posted in Opinion
Posted in Dr. Eric M. Wallace, #biden, #Trump, 2024, Conservatives, Liberal progressives, #freedomsjournalmagazine, Freedoms Journal Institute, election, Presidential election
Posted in Dr. Eric M. Wallace, #biden, #Trump, 2024, Conservatives, Liberal progressives, #freedomsjournalmagazine, Freedoms Journal Institute, election, Presidential election
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Although I don't like a lot of things that Trump says and does, a large part of me wants him to win as payback to the liberals for them stealing the 2020 election. Having said that, I would never under any circumstances vote for a Democrat. So whoever the Republican nominee is, I'll vote for him or her as the case may be. Although I hope that it's Ron DeSantis. I'd really have to hold my nose if it was Nikki Haley or Asa Hutchinson.
I understand. Thanks for responding.