An Extraordinarily Influential Waste of Time

By Patrick Hall
Here are some semi-random thoughts for real black people. That is Black Democrats and their white liberal enablers. First of all, according to Joe Biden, I haven’t been Black since 1972.1 That was the first and last time I voted Democrat. It wasn’t because I thought Republicans were the paragons of socio-political virtue and racial purity. I just found Republicans to be a little less paternalistic and condescending. Not to mention even in my early twenties, Conservatives and Republicans seem more authentic than self-important, overly apologetic, and self-flagellating white Democrats, who are now “bravely” struggling to come to grips with their white privilege. Good grief! Yes, that will most definitely help raise the SAT scores of black kids, stop blacks from murdering one another, and aid newly installed Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, in defining what a woman is.
By the end of the 1970s, blacker-than-thou politicians, and their intelligentsia were firmly in control of the dependency culture, that still infects much of the African American community.
Sidebar: This same dependency/victim culture has quickly spread to some in the general population via the $1400 Welfare Tutorial Check Program lavishly dispensed during the pandemic.
Almost by accident, I often became close friends with Conservative whites (i.e., supposedly racists) than my more caring, socially conscious, racially tolerant, left-of-center Democrat colleagues. In retrospect, I know they meant well, but often time I felt that they (i.e., white liberals) only saw me as an idea, perception, or construct.
Maybe if I had been born in the segregated south during Jim Crow and not raised in an Italian Roman Catholic Parish in Upstate New York, I wouldn’t have felt so, “will-you-get-the-hell-out-of-my-face” with the never-ending race narrative crap.
The few conservatives that I was lucky enough to befriend in my tarries at various neo-Liberal colleges, treated me as Patrick. On the other hand, many white liberals related to me as if I was some refugee from a Richard Wright novel. It has taken a lifetime, but I refused to be the victim of the black political class and their enabling intelligentsia.
With despondency, I looked at such organizations as the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, or BLM, and I say to myself they have tragically become an extraordinarily influential waste of time. The NAACP was once the epicenter for confronting the “real racism” that blacks used to face in America. Today, however, many within the black political class have become wedded to and now promote an everlasting racist Groundhogs Day. America in the year 2022 is still viewed as an incurably flawed and bigoted nation. This is despite electing a black man for President, twice. Coupled with the fact, that the United States has more black millionaires than any other country in the world, including many of the occasionally functional African nations. The Democratic Black political class has managed to instill the “lie” that America is systematically racist. Subsequently, they are the ones who must be continually elected to confront this ongoing racial conundrum. At the same time, they enrich themselves while the majority of their constituents are trapped both physically, and more damaging psychologically in a self-defeating and perpetual victim culture. Black politicians like Cory Booker (D-NJ), Maxine Waters(D-CA), Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) as well as former President Barrack Obama, have become vested in making sure blacks, even those in the upper-middle class continue to see themselves as oppressed or some variety of an injured “self.”
This attitude of the injured self was on full display by the mainstream media, with their coordinated misrepresentation of the way Republican Senators try to ask Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson about some of her more questionable rulings while serving as a lower court justice. Pundits, both black and white went out of their way to insinuate that Republican Senators should even question Judge Jackson’s controversial rulings dealing with the sentencing of child pornographers, and other rulings. These legitimate inquiries by Senate Republicans were within the scope of a needed response by Judge Jackson. They weren’t the “subliminal racist flogging” of a Black woman by mean-spirited Republicans as NPR, and corporate media outlets tried to infer.
I guess what can be drawn from all the vitriol is, that you don’t dare, ask the black woman any hard questions, like what is a woman? Such a deal for the proprietors of unceasing racial victimhood, and stomach-turning paternalism, that too often defines the Democratic Party and the Black Political Class.
1, See., Patrick Hall. I haven’t been Black since 1972.
[Patrick is a retired University Library Director. He is graduate of Canisius College and the University of Washington where he earned Masters Degrees in Religious Studies Education, Urban Anthropology and Library and Information Science. Mr. Hall has also completed additional course work at the University of Buffalo, Seattle University and St. John Fishers College of Rochester New York. He has published in several national publications such as Commonweal, America, Conservative Review, Headway, National Catholic Reporter, Freedom's Journal Magazine and American Libraries. He has published in the peer reviewed publications, Journal of Academic Librarianship and the Internet Reference Services Quarterly. From 1997 until his retirement in January 2014 he served on the Advisory Board of Urban Library Journal, a CUNY Publication.]
Here are some semi-random thoughts for real black people. That is Black Democrats and their white liberal enablers. First of all, according to Joe Biden, I haven’t been Black since 1972.1 That was the first and last time I voted Democrat. It wasn’t because I thought Republicans were the paragons of socio-political virtue and racial purity. I just found Republicans to be a little less paternalistic and condescending. Not to mention even in my early twenties, Conservatives and Republicans seem more authentic than self-important, overly apologetic, and self-flagellating white Democrats, who are now “bravely” struggling to come to grips with their white privilege. Good grief! Yes, that will most definitely help raise the SAT scores of black kids, stop blacks from murdering one another, and aid newly installed Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, in defining what a woman is.
By the end of the 1970s, blacker-than-thou politicians, and their intelligentsia were firmly in control of the dependency culture, that still infects much of the African American community.
Sidebar: This same dependency/victim culture has quickly spread to some in the general population via the $1400 Welfare Tutorial Check Program lavishly dispensed during the pandemic.
Almost by accident, I often became close friends with Conservative whites (i.e., supposedly racists) than my more caring, socially conscious, racially tolerant, left-of-center Democrat colleagues. In retrospect, I know they meant well, but often time I felt that they (i.e., white liberals) only saw me as an idea, perception, or construct.
Maybe if I had been born in the segregated south during Jim Crow and not raised in an Italian Roman Catholic Parish in Upstate New York, I wouldn’t have felt so, “will-you-get-the-hell-out-of-my-face” with the never-ending race narrative crap.
The few conservatives that I was lucky enough to befriend in my tarries at various neo-Liberal colleges, treated me as Patrick. On the other hand, many white liberals related to me as if I was some refugee from a Richard Wright novel. It has taken a lifetime, but I refused to be the victim of the black political class and their enabling intelligentsia.
With despondency, I looked at such organizations as the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, or BLM, and I say to myself they have tragically become an extraordinarily influential waste of time. The NAACP was once the epicenter for confronting the “real racism” that blacks used to face in America. Today, however, many within the black political class have become wedded to and now promote an everlasting racist Groundhogs Day. America in the year 2022 is still viewed as an incurably flawed and bigoted nation. This is despite electing a black man for President, twice. Coupled with the fact, that the United States has more black millionaires than any other country in the world, including many of the occasionally functional African nations. The Democratic Black political class has managed to instill the “lie” that America is systematically racist. Subsequently, they are the ones who must be continually elected to confront this ongoing racial conundrum. At the same time, they enrich themselves while the majority of their constituents are trapped both physically, and more damaging psychologically in a self-defeating and perpetual victim culture. Black politicians like Cory Booker (D-NJ), Maxine Waters(D-CA), Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) as well as former President Barrack Obama, have become vested in making sure blacks, even those in the upper-middle class continue to see themselves as oppressed or some variety of an injured “self.”
This attitude of the injured self was on full display by the mainstream media, with their coordinated misrepresentation of the way Republican Senators try to ask Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson about some of her more questionable rulings while serving as a lower court justice. Pundits, both black and white went out of their way to insinuate that Republican Senators should even question Judge Jackson’s controversial rulings dealing with the sentencing of child pornographers, and other rulings. These legitimate inquiries by Senate Republicans were within the scope of a needed response by Judge Jackson. They weren’t the “subliminal racist flogging” of a Black woman by mean-spirited Republicans as NPR, and corporate media outlets tried to infer.
I guess what can be drawn from all the vitriol is, that you don’t dare, ask the black woman any hard questions, like what is a woman? Such a deal for the proprietors of unceasing racial victimhood, and stomach-turning paternalism, that too often defines the Democratic Party and the Black Political Class.
1, See., Patrick Hall. I haven’t been Black since 1972.
[Patrick is a retired University Library Director. He is graduate of Canisius College and the University of Washington where he earned Masters Degrees in Religious Studies Education, Urban Anthropology and Library and Information Science. Mr. Hall has also completed additional course work at the University of Buffalo, Seattle University and St. John Fishers College of Rochester New York. He has published in several national publications such as Commonweal, America, Conservative Review, Headway, National Catholic Reporter, Freedom's Journal Magazine and American Libraries. He has published in the peer reviewed publications, Journal of Academic Librarianship and the Internet Reference Services Quarterly. From 1997 until his retirement in January 2014 he served on the Advisory Board of Urban Library Journal, a CUNY Publication.]
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