A Theatre of the Oppressed: Some Random Thoughts on Transgenderism Part 2

By Patrick Hall
Are children and young teens any more depressed, or suffering from a myriad of social anxieties, that were once part of the group’s growing pains in decades past? Is life much tougher for prepubescence and teens now, than it was for my parent's generation born around 1900 and 1910? Probably not. It is difficult to correlate generational differences, despite what alleged experts say regarding cross-generational comparisons. I and my older siblings grew up in the 1930,40s and 50s. But a salient question remains. Why are all these children depressed? Are they being groomed to believe they suffer from Gender Identity Disorder (GID) or gender dysphoria? What common denominator ties them all together into the cultural-sexualized Cul de sac designated as Transgender?
I believe Social Media plays a significant role and parents are responsible for the exposure. Allowing young children and not-so-young individuals to be manipulated or conned by outside influence equals poor parenting. As a father of adult children, I often wonder how much culpability I share for poor parenting decisions. As I said earlier, are we being led to believe by transgender proponents that it’s only common sense if a patient is unhappy with an untreated mental health condition; the solution is to cut off healthy body parts or flood one’s body with inappropriate, if not dangerous pharmaceuticals? Why don’t purported professionals not scream crazy, or at least raise a few red flags? These children and young adults, still wake up unhappy, depressed, etc., with an untreated mental health condition, taking all types of prescription drugs, with mutilated sex organs. To paraphrase several members of the psycho-medical community, this is going to be the largest agenda backfire on the cultural left and their well-meaning, if not misguided constituencies have ever perpetrated. Children as well as many adults are being physically, as well as mentally, mutilated by the modern quackery pushed by a small, but highly influential segment of the transgender community. There's no coming back from the damage, that leftist Transgenderism is promoting. The insanity needs to end. We need to let kids be kids and determine their sexuality when they are adults.
(Save the Planet-Secrets of the Women Haters Club and Transgenderism: Talk About a Weird Synthesis??)
Here is a sidebar that is very relevant to the current Transgender ethos. In many cases, especially among the young, it is a fad. This particular fad is heavily promoted to teens because it's so convenient for the depopulation agenda or “radical and not-so-radical environment catechumenates.” They encourage individuals to sterilize themselves with the bonus of becoming lifelong customers of Big Pharma. The year 2030 is fast approaching and the wise and altruistic goalkeepers of the environmental movement are eager to thin the herd as quickly as possible. Do your part and mutilate your reproductive organs. It's to "save the Earth." If you sterilize yourself, then, maybe the climate will be one-degree cooler by 2050. Maybe?
The cataclysmic events prophesized by environmental proponents were supposed to arrive around 1977. At least, that’s what I was told in environmental class discussion back in the late 1960s. We were also told with utmost certainty, that the planet will be unable to produce enough food and sustain a viable ecosystem, once the population reached 3.6 billion. Global cooling was the rage in the late 1960 and early 1970. That was later switched to the horrors that will be released on mother earth by global warming. Finally, the Henny Penny’s of the professed scientific environment community settled on the more “cover-their-ass” term climate change. I’ve only been on this earth for 72 years, and I wonder what other “scary climate schemes” will be cooked up in the next 72. To quote the late Rush Limbaugh, when speaking about the cultural left, Progressives, Liberal Democrats, and self-styled scientific environmental experts, they live by the same secular doxology, “How can we fool them today?”
Yes, it is a fad. And when enough people are injured by unneeded chemical castration and gender mutilation it will stop. But in the meantime, a sector of the Alphabet People and the radical left will continue to destroy our youth through this massive brainwashing campaign.
As pointed out by the late Charles Krauthammer, today, “victim status is currency” and children see this.” They also react to encouragement from trusted adults, who say Jane you like sports and playing with the boys, you might be a boy. In cases of mediocre male athletes (i.e., Transgender Females) like Lia Thomas, they have the avenue to be outstanding fake/pseudo-female athletes. When we add in psychological challenges and dismal parenting, this is what you have. God help us.
In the United States, there's a direct correlation between the alarming percentage of children raised in single-parent (mostly fatherless) households and their “susceptibility to indoctrination” from influences outside the home. Children raised outside of 2-parent households account for the lion's share of childhood poverty, school dropouts, illegal drug use and addiction, criminal and gang activity, street violence, and teen suicides. Not to make lite of the situation, but most of us as kids were just a “bit weird.” The left has been glorifying single motherhood for decades and now they're tooting the horn for transgender children and surgery.
Young people with projected sexual identity disorders deserve our care and guarded compassion. They do not deserve our indulgence. Humoring, catering, excusing, and validating their unhealthy and often deviant sexual ideations does not help them. The Left, Democrats, Progressives, media, and education institutions are exploiting and emotionally abusing these individuals to create yet another victim group, they can pander to. Transgenders are becoming the latest iterations of the black underclass. They play the forever victim. Being a victim has currency. Groups like the NAACP, Rev Al Sharpton’s NAN, with the blessing of former President Obama, and the Congressional Black Caucus know it pays to keep racism alive. They never leave home without it! The movers and shakers in the Transgender crowd want to make themselves victims. They see and want the power and influence, that comes with this currency. It is ultimately debilitating currency, but currency nonetheless.
But returning to my point of Transgenderism and our children, there is another unsaid observation. Kids are stupid! Wait a minute! Let me correct myself. Maybe it can be chalked up to being inexperienced. Ah, never mind. They are mostly stupid! They all want to be special. To cite the late Charles Krauthammer once again, why aren’t their parents stopping this? I guarantee you, that most of these kids come from liberal families with a sliding scale of morality. Everything including male and female is just a social construct, which according to the cultural elites (i.e., Progressive Liberal Democrats) often serves the oppressive patriarchy, that is systemic in Western culture. Liberals view themselves as extraordinarily smart and tolerant individuals. This stands in stark contrast with us knuckle-dragging, cisgender, homophobic, and most likely racist transphobes.
Sidebar: It’s horribly simple: If Americans allow objective truth to be destroyed because they’re more afraid of being called a name, (i.e., Transphobic.) They will get the totalitarian rule, that inevitably happens when the ability to define both acceptable and unacceptable “reality” rests solely with the most powerful people in the nation.
I was watching a you-tube video last week featuring the Little Rascals. They were Children actors from the 1930s, who were quite entertaining, even today. One episode dealt with two of the main characters, Alfalfa and Spanky, forming a He-Man Women’s Hater Club. Now the club consisted of very young boys, who took the oath of swearing off those creatures’ called girls or women. However, the result of their pledge to forever dissociate with women or girls did not turn out as they envisioned.
Could it not be possible, that the “normal” lack of attraction that very young children display at such a pre-pubescent age is being confused for being transgender or bisexual? Children at younger ages typically associate with the same gender for the same reason, but are being told that they are LGBTQ+ as well. When most of us were young, we thought girls were yucky and smelled funny. In contrast, girls saw boys as strange half-washed booger eaters, who liked to play fart games. Let children mature first. They need to figure out, who they are on their own, without outside influences from questionable experts like Doctor Rachel Lavine and the Transgender Posse.
Ps. I don’t mean to be such a “Debbie Downer or buzz kill”, but what is waiting in the wings within the greater LGBTQ+ evolution? Are the MAP folks next to claim most favored victim status? MAP are Minor Attracted Persons or Pedophiles. They are people, who want to have sex with children. Of course, current advocates of MAP have developed the polemic, that MAP doesn’t necessarily mean sexually abusing children. It can also express itself as a loving, Platonic relationship. Right, sure!
Are children and young teens any more depressed, or suffering from a myriad of social anxieties, that were once part of the group’s growing pains in decades past? Is life much tougher for prepubescence and teens now, than it was for my parent's generation born around 1900 and 1910? Probably not. It is difficult to correlate generational differences, despite what alleged experts say regarding cross-generational comparisons. I and my older siblings grew up in the 1930,40s and 50s. But a salient question remains. Why are all these children depressed? Are they being groomed to believe they suffer from Gender Identity Disorder (GID) or gender dysphoria? What common denominator ties them all together into the cultural-sexualized Cul de sac designated as Transgender?
I believe Social Media plays a significant role and parents are responsible for the exposure. Allowing young children and not-so-young individuals to be manipulated or conned by outside influence equals poor parenting. As a father of adult children, I often wonder how much culpability I share for poor parenting decisions. As I said earlier, are we being led to believe by transgender proponents that it’s only common sense if a patient is unhappy with an untreated mental health condition; the solution is to cut off healthy body parts or flood one’s body with inappropriate, if not dangerous pharmaceuticals? Why don’t purported professionals not scream crazy, or at least raise a few red flags? These children and young adults, still wake up unhappy, depressed, etc., with an untreated mental health condition, taking all types of prescription drugs, with mutilated sex organs. To paraphrase several members of the psycho-medical community, this is going to be the largest agenda backfire on the cultural left and their well-meaning, if not misguided constituencies have ever perpetrated. Children as well as many adults are being physically, as well as mentally, mutilated by the modern quackery pushed by a small, but highly influential segment of the transgender community. There's no coming back from the damage, that leftist Transgenderism is promoting. The insanity needs to end. We need to let kids be kids and determine their sexuality when they are adults.
(Save the Planet-Secrets of the Women Haters Club and Transgenderism: Talk About a Weird Synthesis??)
Here is a sidebar that is very relevant to the current Transgender ethos. In many cases, especially among the young, it is a fad. This particular fad is heavily promoted to teens because it's so convenient for the depopulation agenda or “radical and not-so-radical environment catechumenates.” They encourage individuals to sterilize themselves with the bonus of becoming lifelong customers of Big Pharma. The year 2030 is fast approaching and the wise and altruistic goalkeepers of the environmental movement are eager to thin the herd as quickly as possible. Do your part and mutilate your reproductive organs. It's to "save the Earth." If you sterilize yourself, then, maybe the climate will be one-degree cooler by 2050. Maybe?
The cataclysmic events prophesized by environmental proponents were supposed to arrive around 1977. At least, that’s what I was told in environmental class discussion back in the late 1960s. We were also told with utmost certainty, that the planet will be unable to produce enough food and sustain a viable ecosystem, once the population reached 3.6 billion. Global cooling was the rage in the late 1960 and early 1970. That was later switched to the horrors that will be released on mother earth by global warming. Finally, the Henny Penny’s of the professed scientific environment community settled on the more “cover-their-ass” term climate change. I’ve only been on this earth for 72 years, and I wonder what other “scary climate schemes” will be cooked up in the next 72. To quote the late Rush Limbaugh, when speaking about the cultural left, Progressives, Liberal Democrats, and self-styled scientific environmental experts, they live by the same secular doxology, “How can we fool them today?”
Yes, it is a fad. And when enough people are injured by unneeded chemical castration and gender mutilation it will stop. But in the meantime, a sector of the Alphabet People and the radical left will continue to destroy our youth through this massive brainwashing campaign.
As pointed out by the late Charles Krauthammer, today, “victim status is currency” and children see this.” They also react to encouragement from trusted adults, who say Jane you like sports and playing with the boys, you might be a boy. In cases of mediocre male athletes (i.e., Transgender Females) like Lia Thomas, they have the avenue to be outstanding fake/pseudo-female athletes. When we add in psychological challenges and dismal parenting, this is what you have. God help us.
In the United States, there's a direct correlation between the alarming percentage of children raised in single-parent (mostly fatherless) households and their “susceptibility to indoctrination” from influences outside the home. Children raised outside of 2-parent households account for the lion's share of childhood poverty, school dropouts, illegal drug use and addiction, criminal and gang activity, street violence, and teen suicides. Not to make lite of the situation, but most of us as kids were just a “bit weird.” The left has been glorifying single motherhood for decades and now they're tooting the horn for transgender children and surgery.
Young people with projected sexual identity disorders deserve our care and guarded compassion. They do not deserve our indulgence. Humoring, catering, excusing, and validating their unhealthy and often deviant sexual ideations does not help them. The Left, Democrats, Progressives, media, and education institutions are exploiting and emotionally abusing these individuals to create yet another victim group, they can pander to. Transgenders are becoming the latest iterations of the black underclass. They play the forever victim. Being a victim has currency. Groups like the NAACP, Rev Al Sharpton’s NAN, with the blessing of former President Obama, and the Congressional Black Caucus know it pays to keep racism alive. They never leave home without it! The movers and shakers in the Transgender crowd want to make themselves victims. They see and want the power and influence, that comes with this currency. It is ultimately debilitating currency, but currency nonetheless.
But returning to my point of Transgenderism and our children, there is another unsaid observation. Kids are stupid! Wait a minute! Let me correct myself. Maybe it can be chalked up to being inexperienced. Ah, never mind. They are mostly stupid! They all want to be special. To cite the late Charles Krauthammer once again, why aren’t their parents stopping this? I guarantee you, that most of these kids come from liberal families with a sliding scale of morality. Everything including male and female is just a social construct, which according to the cultural elites (i.e., Progressive Liberal Democrats) often serves the oppressive patriarchy, that is systemic in Western culture. Liberals view themselves as extraordinarily smart and tolerant individuals. This stands in stark contrast with us knuckle-dragging, cisgender, homophobic, and most likely racist transphobes.
Sidebar: It’s horribly simple: If Americans allow objective truth to be destroyed because they’re more afraid of being called a name, (i.e., Transphobic.) They will get the totalitarian rule, that inevitably happens when the ability to define both acceptable and unacceptable “reality” rests solely with the most powerful people in the nation.
I was watching a you-tube video last week featuring the Little Rascals. They were Children actors from the 1930s, who were quite entertaining, even today. One episode dealt with two of the main characters, Alfalfa and Spanky, forming a He-Man Women’s Hater Club. Now the club consisted of very young boys, who took the oath of swearing off those creatures’ called girls or women. However, the result of their pledge to forever dissociate with women or girls did not turn out as they envisioned.
Could it not be possible, that the “normal” lack of attraction that very young children display at such a pre-pubescent age is being confused for being transgender or bisexual? Children at younger ages typically associate with the same gender for the same reason, but are being told that they are LGBTQ+ as well. When most of us were young, we thought girls were yucky and smelled funny. In contrast, girls saw boys as strange half-washed booger eaters, who liked to play fart games. Let children mature first. They need to figure out, who they are on their own, without outside influences from questionable experts like Doctor Rachel Lavine and the Transgender Posse.
Ps. I don’t mean to be such a “Debbie Downer or buzz kill”, but what is waiting in the wings within the greater LGBTQ+ evolution? Are the MAP folks next to claim most favored victim status? MAP are Minor Attracted Persons or Pedophiles. They are people, who want to have sex with children. Of course, current advocates of MAP have developed the polemic, that MAP doesn’t necessarily mean sexually abusing children. It can also express itself as a loving, Platonic relationship. Right, sure!

Patrick is a retired University Library Director. He is graduate of Canisius College and the University of Washington where he earned Masters Degrees in Religious Studies Education, Urban Anthropology and Library and Information Science. Mr. Hall has also completed additional course work at the University of Buffalo, Seattle University and St. John Fishers College of Rochester New York. He has published in several national publications such as Commonweal, America, Conservative Review, Headway, National Catholic Reporter, Freedom's Journal Magazine and American Libraries. He has published in the peer reviewed publications, Journal of Academic Librarianship and the Internet Reference Services Quarterly. From 1997 until his retirement in January 2014 he served on the Advisory Board of Urban Library Journal, a CUNY Publication.
Posted in Opinion
Posted in Transgenderism, Patrick Hall, LGBTQ, gender confusion, Gender Identity Disorder, social media, teenagers, Chemical castration, Radical left, parents, Dr. Rachel Lavine
Posted in Transgenderism, Patrick Hall, LGBTQ, gender confusion, Gender Identity Disorder, social media, teenagers, Chemical castration, Radical left, parents, Dr. Rachel Lavine
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1 Comment
"Could it not be possible, that the "normal" lack of attraction that very young children display at such a pre-pubescent age is being confused for being transgender or bisexual?"
Yes, I see the same thing. At the same time in childhood, kids are picking friends...and want to be picked as someone's friend. It is very common that boys befriend boys and girls befriend girls...and it used to be just called friends and/or "best friends". Somehow, some people, including some parents, have injected sexuality into it where it never existed before. School curricula involving sex and gender education has to be part of it. It is sick that progressive libs argue against the FL bill to not start that up until kids are in 4th grade. I've never heard a rational argument to even start it that early, but it is telling that the libs are upset that FL opted to keep K-3 from it. (In order to not have to defend what they want, they deflect the topic every time to be "Don't Say Gay"... So normal, rational people feel compelled to respond to that false flag charge...and thus, there is no debate about if, when, and how there might be agreements on sex and gender training of children.