An Insufferable Jerk at Times ...But? Part 1

By Patrick Hall
Of course, he can be detestable and irritating, especially to many within the established polity. He was toxic to Liberal suburban women, who essentially helped elect the weak, fragile, cognitive mess of a train wreck, Joe Biden. As someone who voted for him twice, I wish he would be more stayed in his various opinions and/or arguments. Donald Trump is many things, but he will never be your typical polished, say-anything-to-be-elected politician l like the canonized Barrack Hussein Obama, or the how-can-we-fool-them-today, Clintons. I don’t argue anymore with people, when they launch into their typical diatribe of Donald Trump since much is based upon almost a decade of distortions, lies, and half-truths the Democrat Party and the mainstream media have fed us, ever since he came down the escalator in Trump Towers in 2015.
When you had ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, Fox News, MSNBC, Routers, the AP, the BBC, 95% of newspapers nationwide, BBC Europe, and all European media, including Der Spiegel of Germany, pounding the guy for all of his supposed endemic political and personal weaknesses, an alternative polemic is just not worth it. It may be a complete waste of time, given the narrative that the corporate media has employed to poison the political sphere regarding Trump. Even many of us evil, racist, misguided, if not stupid” MAGA supporters wish Donald would parley differently. But that’s just it. Trump is essentially not a politician. He is consistently a direct, pain-in-the-ass, self-confident businessman, don’t BS me, let's get things done right for the country kind of guy.
Donald Trump is the antithesis of President Biden and most Democratic and Republican politicians. Juxtaposed to Obama, Trump likes our country. To this day, my opinion of Barrack Hussien Obama is that he was the ultimate Decepticon. Obama was adroit, almost Aristotelian in the way he could say and do very little for our country and others. And he did it, extraordinarily well.
Donald Trump isn’t PC or woke. Neither is he an apologist of the various secular sacraments propagated by the Multicultural and Diversity industry which includes the racial alchemy known as Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project. Both CRT and the 1619 Project are little more than racism under new management.
Many of his supporters see the push for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) including segments of the transgender crowd as little more than balkanizing and tribalism touted up as congeniality. It is simply neo-segregationist. Many Americans are acutely aware that this is killing us as a nation. And with the very real, if not deadly threats of Communist China, Russian, and Islamic Terrorists, as well as our suicidal open borders, we cannot afford to delude ourselves into thinking climate change, discovering the mysteries of multiple genders, or the constant racial masturbation of far too many black Americans are our biggest problems. Trump despite his flaws, and being at times an insufferable jerk to boot, is the leader we desperately need as a country.
As I often say to many of my shrinking number of Democrat/Liberal friends, Trump reminds me of the guys I grew up with in the 1950s & 60s. Back then, none of us would win awards for cultural and interpersonal tolerance based on our day-to-day communication. Acute cultural and/or Ethnic sensitivity wasn’t in our repertoire.
Of course, he can be detestable and irritating, especially to many within the established polity. He was toxic to Liberal suburban women, who essentially helped elect the weak, fragile, cognitive mess of a train wreck, Joe Biden. As someone who voted for him twice, I wish he would be more stayed in his various opinions and/or arguments. Donald Trump is many things, but he will never be your typical polished, say-anything-to-be-elected politician l like the canonized Barrack Hussein Obama, or the how-can-we-fool-them-today, Clintons. I don’t argue anymore with people, when they launch into their typical diatribe of Donald Trump since much is based upon almost a decade of distortions, lies, and half-truths the Democrat Party and the mainstream media have fed us, ever since he came down the escalator in Trump Towers in 2015.
When you had ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, Fox News, MSNBC, Routers, the AP, the BBC, 95% of newspapers nationwide, BBC Europe, and all European media, including Der Spiegel of Germany, pounding the guy for all of his supposed endemic political and personal weaknesses, an alternative polemic is just not worth it. It may be a complete waste of time, given the narrative that the corporate media has employed to poison the political sphere regarding Trump. Even many of us evil, racist, misguided, if not stupid” MAGA supporters wish Donald would parley differently. But that’s just it. Trump is essentially not a politician. He is consistently a direct, pain-in-the-ass, self-confident businessman, don’t BS me, let's get things done right for the country kind of guy.
Donald Trump is the antithesis of President Biden and most Democratic and Republican politicians. Juxtaposed to Obama, Trump likes our country. To this day, my opinion of Barrack Hussien Obama is that he was the ultimate Decepticon. Obama was adroit, almost Aristotelian in the way he could say and do very little for our country and others. And he did it, extraordinarily well.
Donald Trump isn’t PC or woke. Neither is he an apologist of the various secular sacraments propagated by the Multicultural and Diversity industry which includes the racial alchemy known as Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project. Both CRT and the 1619 Project are little more than racism under new management.
Many of his supporters see the push for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) including segments of the transgender crowd as little more than balkanizing and tribalism touted up as congeniality. It is simply neo-segregationist. Many Americans are acutely aware that this is killing us as a nation. And with the very real, if not deadly threats of Communist China, Russian, and Islamic Terrorists, as well as our suicidal open borders, we cannot afford to delude ourselves into thinking climate change, discovering the mysteries of multiple genders, or the constant racial masturbation of far too many black Americans are our biggest problems. Trump despite his flaws, and being at times an insufferable jerk to boot, is the leader we desperately need as a country.
As I often say to many of my shrinking number of Democrat/Liberal friends, Trump reminds me of the guys I grew up with in the 1950s & 60s. Back then, none of us would win awards for cultural and interpersonal tolerance based on our day-to-day communication. Acute cultural and/or Ethnic sensitivity wasn’t in our repertoire.

Patrick is a retired University Library Director. He is graduate of Canisius College and the University of Washington where he earned Masters Degrees in Religious Studies Education, Urban Anthropology and Library and Information Science. Mr. Hall has also completed additional course work at the University of Buffalo, Seattle University and St. John Fishers College of Rochester New York. He has published in several national publications such as Commonweal, America, Conservative Review, Headway, National Catholic Reporter, Freedom's Journal Magazine and American Libraries. He has published in the peer reviewed publications, Journal of Academic Librarianship and the Internet Reference Services Quarterly. From 1997 until his retirement in January 2014 he served on the Advisory Board of Urban Library Journal, a CUNY Publication.
Posted in Opinion
Posted in Patrick Hall, Donald Trump, #Trump, President Joe Biden, #DEI, MAGA, #freedomsjournalmagazine, Freedoms Journal Institute
Posted in Patrick Hall, Donald Trump, #Trump, President Joe Biden, #DEI, MAGA, #freedomsjournalmagazine, Freedoms Journal Institute
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