Country Killing Multiculturalism and DEI Part 1

By Patrick Hall
Self-control is far more difficult than licentiousness. Lies are believed more readily than truth because lies are more pleasant to human ears and tell us what we want to hear. Being ignorant and stupid is easy and comfortable; gaining knowledge and wisdom demands a supreme struggle. Mark Lewis
I’m not a hyphenated “African-American.” If anything, I and my 12 twelve siblings (most of them born in the 1930s and 40s) plus my five adult children are ethnically mutts. In other words, I’m just an American! And there is nothing wrong with that. I believe most Americans, black, white, Asian, and Hispanic, secretly feel that same way but are either intimidated by the Multicultural and DEI awareness crowd or try to ignore this country-killing toxin hoisted upon the unwitting for the past five decades.
Even during my insufferable, pseudo-Black-militant hippie-loving, America-is-an-awful-place-days in the 1960s and early 70s, I always felt or had a clue, a quiet uncomfortableness. A questioning that I was forcing something propagated by such left-of-center compadres and people like Abbie Hoffman, Bill Ayers, Stokely Carmichael, H. Rapp Brown, Saul Alinsky, Angela Davis, and historians like Howard Zinn. But even back in those heady days of the Civil Rights movement, which later began to be slowly compromised by the Black Power constituents. The latter metastasized into the victims-are-us culture or the racial/poverty/grievance pimps that now dominate the socio-political narrative that is the zeitgeist of today’s Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, and a large segment of today's Democrat Party. Even former President Barrack Obama was not immune to the victim's theology, a temporal catechesis. The only discernable difference with Obama’s victimology was that he couched it within a synergistic meshing of racist America and Western anti-colonialism. However, Obama hid it from many Americans with his singular ability to do and say nothing exceptionally well. This was Obama's most compelling and impressive gift. However, to this writer, this made the former President slightly creepy and deeply manipulative. Obama was the perfect cultural orator for racism under new management, neo-segregationists, anti-Western, antipodal to so-called white people, and societal balkanization conceived and designed under the banner of multiculturism and later Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Sirens.
Of course, the pernicious offspring of multiculturalism and DEI, Critical Race Theory (CRT), is trying to administer the final shot to the head to America and Western culture. Multiculturalism, Diversity Equity, and Inclusion acolytes, and the proliferation of race, ethnic, gender, and transgender Studies Programs at our Universities and in K-12 education have and are still causing tremendous damage.
The recent socio-political insanity against the Jews and Israel going on at so-called institutions of higher learning, along with the BLM/Antifa race/political anarchists, represent a contaminated stew, a slow demolition. Couple this with a small but very vocal segment within the LQBTQ+ with the goofy idea that transgender women (i.e., biological men) should be allowed in women's sports or that 8 to 20-year-old children and young adults should worry whether they are girls or a guy is unbelievable. Of course, their solution is to cut off your penis or remove your breast, plus engorge yourself with God knows what pharmaceuticals. It is part of the “gender-affirming care psychosis/butchery pushed by components within the LGBTQ+ polity. This speaks to the unhinged nature that will and is fracturing the culture.
As a sidebar, when I hear proponents of the left-of-center LGBTQ+ community vehemently complain about how oppressed they are. They remind me of today's Black Democrats, MSNBC news commentators like Joy Reid, and other groups vying for “most favored victim status.” To paraphrase one social critic of the victims-are-us contagion. He contends that racism and outright discrimination, whether it be against blacks or the LGBTQ+ community, are hardily systemic. They are now more episodic at best!
The election in 2009 of Barrack Obama and the ascendency of current “America is bad” catechumenates like Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and the Squad, as well as the current weak/fragile, senile, desiccated, and dangerous cognitive mess now residing in the White House, continues the country-killing cancer. Ultimately, multiculturalism, DEI, and Critical Race Theory propagandists do little to nothing to unite us. There is only chaos when all the platitudes are about building cultural sensitivity, inclusivity, and facilitating group understanding and connectedness via DEI and multicultural logistics.
The country-killing results were predictable. We have been encouraged, if not skillfully mentored as a nation, to sit or fester in our race, ethnicity, class, or gender (e.g., LGBTQ+ pride month) categories, waiting to feel offended, oppressed, agitated, or hurt by God knows what. Many Black Americans, as well as the newest “I’m so oppressed and discriminated against (LGBTQ+ communicants), have wallowed in and succumbed to their respective “hurt lockers.” Multiculturalism and its surrogate DEI, luxuriate or take an odd sort of pleasure to see to it that groups and individuals see themselves as victims. They are the continuously “oppressed other,” in what they believe to be a historically racist, sexist, xenophobic, transphobic, and systematically unfair and oppressive nation called the United States.
Self-control is far more difficult than licentiousness. Lies are believed more readily than truth because lies are more pleasant to human ears and tell us what we want to hear. Being ignorant and stupid is easy and comfortable; gaining knowledge and wisdom demands a supreme struggle. Mark Lewis
I’m not a hyphenated “African-American.” If anything, I and my 12 twelve siblings (most of them born in the 1930s and 40s) plus my five adult children are ethnically mutts. In other words, I’m just an American! And there is nothing wrong with that. I believe most Americans, black, white, Asian, and Hispanic, secretly feel that same way but are either intimidated by the Multicultural and DEI awareness crowd or try to ignore this country-killing toxin hoisted upon the unwitting for the past five decades.
Even during my insufferable, pseudo-Black-militant hippie-loving, America-is-an-awful-place-days in the 1960s and early 70s, I always felt or had a clue, a quiet uncomfortableness. A questioning that I was forcing something propagated by such left-of-center compadres and people like Abbie Hoffman, Bill Ayers, Stokely Carmichael, H. Rapp Brown, Saul Alinsky, Angela Davis, and historians like Howard Zinn. But even back in those heady days of the Civil Rights movement, which later began to be slowly compromised by the Black Power constituents. The latter metastasized into the victims-are-us culture or the racial/poverty/grievance pimps that now dominate the socio-political narrative that is the zeitgeist of today’s Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, and a large segment of today's Democrat Party. Even former President Barrack Obama was not immune to the victim's theology, a temporal catechesis. The only discernable difference with Obama’s victimology was that he couched it within a synergistic meshing of racist America and Western anti-colonialism. However, Obama hid it from many Americans with his singular ability to do and say nothing exceptionally well. This was Obama's most compelling and impressive gift. However, to this writer, this made the former President slightly creepy and deeply manipulative. Obama was the perfect cultural orator for racism under new management, neo-segregationists, anti-Western, antipodal to so-called white people, and societal balkanization conceived and designed under the banner of multiculturism and later Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Sirens.
Of course, the pernicious offspring of multiculturalism and DEI, Critical Race Theory (CRT), is trying to administer the final shot to the head to America and Western culture. Multiculturalism, Diversity Equity, and Inclusion acolytes, and the proliferation of race, ethnic, gender, and transgender Studies Programs at our Universities and in K-12 education have and are still causing tremendous damage.
The recent socio-political insanity against the Jews and Israel going on at so-called institutions of higher learning, along with the BLM/Antifa race/political anarchists, represent a contaminated stew, a slow demolition. Couple this with a small but very vocal segment within the LQBTQ+ with the goofy idea that transgender women (i.e., biological men) should be allowed in women's sports or that 8 to 20-year-old children and young adults should worry whether they are girls or a guy is unbelievable. Of course, their solution is to cut off your penis or remove your breast, plus engorge yourself with God knows what pharmaceuticals. It is part of the “gender-affirming care psychosis/butchery pushed by components within the LGBTQ+ polity. This speaks to the unhinged nature that will and is fracturing the culture.
As a sidebar, when I hear proponents of the left-of-center LGBTQ+ community vehemently complain about how oppressed they are. They remind me of today's Black Democrats, MSNBC news commentators like Joy Reid, and other groups vying for “most favored victim status.” To paraphrase one social critic of the victims-are-us contagion. He contends that racism and outright discrimination, whether it be against blacks or the LGBTQ+ community, are hardily systemic. They are now more episodic at best!
The election in 2009 of Barrack Obama and the ascendency of current “America is bad” catechumenates like Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and the Squad, as well as the current weak/fragile, senile, desiccated, and dangerous cognitive mess now residing in the White House, continues the country-killing cancer. Ultimately, multiculturalism, DEI, and Critical Race Theory propagandists do little to nothing to unite us. There is only chaos when all the platitudes are about building cultural sensitivity, inclusivity, and facilitating group understanding and connectedness via DEI and multicultural logistics.
The country-killing results were predictable. We have been encouraged, if not skillfully mentored as a nation, to sit or fester in our race, ethnicity, class, or gender (e.g., LGBTQ+ pride month) categories, waiting to feel offended, oppressed, agitated, or hurt by God knows what. Many Black Americans, as well as the newest “I’m so oppressed and discriminated against (LGBTQ+ communicants), have wallowed in and succumbed to their respective “hurt lockers.” Multiculturalism and its surrogate DEI, luxuriate or take an odd sort of pleasure to see to it that groups and individuals see themselves as victims. They are the continuously “oppressed other,” in what they believe to be a historically racist, sexist, xenophobic, transphobic, and systematically unfair and oppressive nation called the United States.

Patrick is a retired University Library Director. He graduated from Canisius College and the University of Washington, earning master’s degrees in religious studies education, Urban Anthropology, and Library and Information Science. Mr. Hall has also completed additional coursework at the University of Buffalo, Seattle University, and St. John Fishers College of Rochester, New York. He has been published in several national publications such as Commonweal, America, Conservative Review, Headway, National Catholic Reporter, Freedom's Journal Magazine, and American Libraries. He has published in peer-reviewed publications, the Journal of Academic Librarianship, and the Internet Reference Services Quarterly. From 1997 until his retirement in January 2014, he served on the Advisory Board of Urban Library Journal, a CUNY Publication.
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