The Statistical Margin of Cheat

By Patrick Hall
Let me state right up front that I was a big fan of the late Conservative Radio host Rush Limbaugh. I had been that way since I first came across his radio broadcast in the early 90s, searching for a radio program to listen to while driving up I-5 through the San Joaquin Valley of California. Like many Conservatives, I’m cautious, if not suspicious of what today’s Progressive Liberal Democrats (PLD) say. As a rule, their political toxicity manifests in what they do or don’t do. Remember, many PLDs, which include the current VP running for the Presidency, work with a shifting or malleable set of “core values.” What Rush often pointed out as their “weekly” set of core values. This makes them dangerously naïve and deliberately manipulative in the case of VP Harris. Her political calculus is nihilistic at best.
One of Rush’s adept observations when discussing the Democrat Party and especially movers and shakers like Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and current Democrat Presidential Nominee, is this disconnect between pontification and their corporal works. In other words, Rush observed that the Democrat polity, their secular creed, can be embodied in the phrase “How can we fool them today?”
In the past, politicians used to be much better liars. I’m reminded of former presidential candidate Senator Bob Dole, who was back in the 1996 presidential election when he made the tongue-in-cheek adulation that his opponent, President Bill Clinton, was a terrific liar. Kamala Harris isn’t! However, more troubling is that she doesn’t have to be during the September 10th “DEI Presidential debate,” where Trump received the obligatory 3 to 1 disadvantage against Kamala Harris. It was almost a carbon copy of Katie Crowley/Barrack Obama gang up on than Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. It was done to assist, facilitate, and otherwise protect the “Person of Color” nominee. In the case of VP Harris, the debate monitors did an excellent job of softballing the vice president with little to no follow-up questions. At the same time, the ABC debate monitors fact (or opinion-checked) the former President, whereby the monitors could inculcate their “left-of-center” bias, which they shared with their latest person/woman of color dupe. We will see if it works, as in the case of Barrack Obama. As a sidebar, Barrack Obama remains to this day, the most influential United States president at “saying and doing nothing” extraordinarily well.
The DNC, Democrat political class, and their greater left-of-center polity can pretty much believe or sloppily hide their ultra-left agenda on issues like the border, fracking, military preparedness, support or lack thereof for Israel, law enforcement, abortion, the economy, as well as 21st Century’s version of phrenology, Transgenderism. In plain sight, Democrats like VP Harris can completely switch their stance to sound more “moderate” to the millions of voters who will select the next President.
The Democrats only need to “fool” enough voters to flip the electoral college vote in their favor. Remember, in the 2020 election, the statistical margin of error (i.e., the statistical margin of cheat) was easy to fudge or steer in favor of their candidate, Joe Biden.
So now VP Kamala Harris, the DNC, and corporate media (one in the same entity) only need to sound like their Republican opposition for the next few weeks. After that, they can return to their Progressive, if not baneful, agenda. Democrats’ unabashed support of public policies boondoggles such as multiculturalism and DEI are representative of the many secular heresies or political dogma that are killing us as a nation. Multiculturalism and DEI have turned out to be little more than tribalism, balkanization, ethnocentrism, or the new segregation, all dressed up as congeniality. It is little than more happy-face clannishness. Like most Democratic ideas, they ultimately turn out to be unnecessary, wasteful progenitors of a host of fraudulent government sponsors projects like the Great Society Programs of the 1960s or even Head Start. We have had over five decades of government programs to help the poor and disadvantaged.
The sad result of these policies was that they often only benefited the people and bureaucrats who administered these programs, not the poor for whom they were intended. Also, one should not forget the incredibly naïve and ultrahazardous Democrat policy of sanctuary cities. Our cities, states, and towns are dying under the crushing weight of illegal immigrants. We now have millions of illegal immigrants (not migrants) within our borders. For the most part, we have no idea who many of these individuals are. Many are probably just looking for a better life for themselves and their children. But suppose less than 1% of the estimated 11 to 20 million illegals entering are criminals or, worse yet, Radical Suicidal Islamic Terrorists, Chinese or Russian spies/military operatives. In that case, all of us are in great peril. We will likely get hit again. This time it will make 9/11 look like a domestic dispute. We could lose hundreds of thousands, if not a million, because of narrow-minded political hubris and hate of the mean old orange man, the greatest threat to Democracy, the Hitler of the 21st Century known as Donald Trump.
Keep in mind, it only took 19 Islamic Terrorists to kill thousands of Americans on September 11th. What do you think a few hundred, and likely “thousands” of these enemy combatants, have in store for us? This is what the DNC, including Kamala Harris, has given us. President Ronald Reagan was correct when he reminded us, “the most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.”
In addressing the advocacy for DEI, the push for multiculturalism, and in many cases, affirmative action, they are just discriminatory practices or “country-killing public policy idiocy” that one agrees with.
They are racism and sexism under new management. It is Postmodernist thinking at its worst. It has followed the practice of stuffing the complexities of political science, history, economics, and even the hard sciences into bottles labeled race, gender, and class. The result of DEI and multiculturalist policy is that it encourages far too many Americans to sit and stew in their little hyphenated-ethnic and gender subcultures, waiting to be offended by God knows what!
Without apology, I have little trust in the voters and people who view themselves as “politically moderate” or even so-called Independents. They are not so astute or “deep thinking” as they claim or see themselves.
It has been my observation over the past decades that Moderates are just Democrats with an even bigger superiority complex. They like to prance around and say that they carefully weigh the opinions and positions of both Republican and Democrat candidates. Then, after meticulous and judicious circumspection, they vote for a Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris. To many Democrats and especially college-educated women, both white and black, Trump's most egregious political sin is that he is not a Democrat, and he likes our country, unlike VP Harris or even the Sainted Barrack Hussein Obama. In addition, Trump tends to hurt a lot of people's feelings!
It is all a game to the DNC. It is to win at all costs, lie your way into power, and continue lying to keep their power. In the meantime, Republicans will predictably persist in playing checkers, while the Democratic Cabal, like those behind the marionette Kamala Harris, plays Tri-Dimensional Chess. Sadly, the biggest loser will be the country if Kamala Harris, this DEI incompetent, ascends to the Presidency.
Years ago, President George Bush warned the nation of the bigotry of low expectations. This is and will continue to be the Achille’s heel, when Americans, because of misplaced historical guilt, select an individual because he or she will be the “The First.”
The First Woman”, “The First Black,” or the first Transgender Nonbinary Gay Nazi Quaker whose favorite pronouns are chalk and wrench.” God help us! But this “THE FIRST THINKING” has to end before it truncates the viability of our nation. Maybe it already has?
Let me state right up front that I was a big fan of the late Conservative Radio host Rush Limbaugh. I had been that way since I first came across his radio broadcast in the early 90s, searching for a radio program to listen to while driving up I-5 through the San Joaquin Valley of California. Like many Conservatives, I’m cautious, if not suspicious of what today’s Progressive Liberal Democrats (PLD) say. As a rule, their political toxicity manifests in what they do or don’t do. Remember, many PLDs, which include the current VP running for the Presidency, work with a shifting or malleable set of “core values.” What Rush often pointed out as their “weekly” set of core values. This makes them dangerously naïve and deliberately manipulative in the case of VP Harris. Her political calculus is nihilistic at best.
One of Rush’s adept observations when discussing the Democrat Party and especially movers and shakers like Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and current Democrat Presidential Nominee, is this disconnect between pontification and their corporal works. In other words, Rush observed that the Democrat polity, their secular creed, can be embodied in the phrase “How can we fool them today?”
In the past, politicians used to be much better liars. I’m reminded of former presidential candidate Senator Bob Dole, who was back in the 1996 presidential election when he made the tongue-in-cheek adulation that his opponent, President Bill Clinton, was a terrific liar. Kamala Harris isn’t! However, more troubling is that she doesn’t have to be during the September 10th “DEI Presidential debate,” where Trump received the obligatory 3 to 1 disadvantage against Kamala Harris. It was almost a carbon copy of Katie Crowley/Barrack Obama gang up on than Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. It was done to assist, facilitate, and otherwise protect the “Person of Color” nominee. In the case of VP Harris, the debate monitors did an excellent job of softballing the vice president with little to no follow-up questions. At the same time, the ABC debate monitors fact (or opinion-checked) the former President, whereby the monitors could inculcate their “left-of-center” bias, which they shared with their latest person/woman of color dupe. We will see if it works, as in the case of Barrack Obama. As a sidebar, Barrack Obama remains to this day, the most influential United States president at “saying and doing nothing” extraordinarily well.
The DNC, Democrat political class, and their greater left-of-center polity can pretty much believe or sloppily hide their ultra-left agenda on issues like the border, fracking, military preparedness, support or lack thereof for Israel, law enforcement, abortion, the economy, as well as 21st Century’s version of phrenology, Transgenderism. In plain sight, Democrats like VP Harris can completely switch their stance to sound more “moderate” to the millions of voters who will select the next President.
The Democrats only need to “fool” enough voters to flip the electoral college vote in their favor. Remember, in the 2020 election, the statistical margin of error (i.e., the statistical margin of cheat) was easy to fudge or steer in favor of their candidate, Joe Biden.
So now VP Kamala Harris, the DNC, and corporate media (one in the same entity) only need to sound like their Republican opposition for the next few weeks. After that, they can return to their Progressive, if not baneful, agenda. Democrats’ unabashed support of public policies boondoggles such as multiculturalism and DEI are representative of the many secular heresies or political dogma that are killing us as a nation. Multiculturalism and DEI have turned out to be little more than tribalism, balkanization, ethnocentrism, or the new segregation, all dressed up as congeniality. It is little than more happy-face clannishness. Like most Democratic ideas, they ultimately turn out to be unnecessary, wasteful progenitors of a host of fraudulent government sponsors projects like the Great Society Programs of the 1960s or even Head Start. We have had over five decades of government programs to help the poor and disadvantaged.
The sad result of these policies was that they often only benefited the people and bureaucrats who administered these programs, not the poor for whom they were intended. Also, one should not forget the incredibly naïve and ultrahazardous Democrat policy of sanctuary cities. Our cities, states, and towns are dying under the crushing weight of illegal immigrants. We now have millions of illegal immigrants (not migrants) within our borders. For the most part, we have no idea who many of these individuals are. Many are probably just looking for a better life for themselves and their children. But suppose less than 1% of the estimated 11 to 20 million illegals entering are criminals or, worse yet, Radical Suicidal Islamic Terrorists, Chinese or Russian spies/military operatives. In that case, all of us are in great peril. We will likely get hit again. This time it will make 9/11 look like a domestic dispute. We could lose hundreds of thousands, if not a million, because of narrow-minded political hubris and hate of the mean old orange man, the greatest threat to Democracy, the Hitler of the 21st Century known as Donald Trump.
Keep in mind, it only took 19 Islamic Terrorists to kill thousands of Americans on September 11th. What do you think a few hundred, and likely “thousands” of these enemy combatants, have in store for us? This is what the DNC, including Kamala Harris, has given us. President Ronald Reagan was correct when he reminded us, “the most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.”
In addressing the advocacy for DEI, the push for multiculturalism, and in many cases, affirmative action, they are just discriminatory practices or “country-killing public policy idiocy” that one agrees with.
They are racism and sexism under new management. It is Postmodernist thinking at its worst. It has followed the practice of stuffing the complexities of political science, history, economics, and even the hard sciences into bottles labeled race, gender, and class. The result of DEI and multiculturalist policy is that it encourages far too many Americans to sit and stew in their little hyphenated-ethnic and gender subcultures, waiting to be offended by God knows what!
Without apology, I have little trust in the voters and people who view themselves as “politically moderate” or even so-called Independents. They are not so astute or “deep thinking” as they claim or see themselves.
It has been my observation over the past decades that Moderates are just Democrats with an even bigger superiority complex. They like to prance around and say that they carefully weigh the opinions and positions of both Republican and Democrat candidates. Then, after meticulous and judicious circumspection, they vote for a Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris. To many Democrats and especially college-educated women, both white and black, Trump's most egregious political sin is that he is not a Democrat, and he likes our country, unlike VP Harris or even the Sainted Barrack Hussein Obama. In addition, Trump tends to hurt a lot of people's feelings!
It is all a game to the DNC. It is to win at all costs, lie your way into power, and continue lying to keep their power. In the meantime, Republicans will predictably persist in playing checkers, while the Democratic Cabal, like those behind the marionette Kamala Harris, plays Tri-Dimensional Chess. Sadly, the biggest loser will be the country if Kamala Harris, this DEI incompetent, ascends to the Presidency.
Years ago, President George Bush warned the nation of the bigotry of low expectations. This is and will continue to be the Achille’s heel, when Americans, because of misplaced historical guilt, select an individual because he or she will be the “The First.”
The First Woman”, “The First Black,” or the first Transgender Nonbinary Gay Nazi Quaker whose favorite pronouns are chalk and wrench.” God help us! But this “THE FIRST THINKING” has to end before it truncates the viability of our nation. Maybe it already has?

Patrick is a retired University Library Director. He graduated from Canisius College and the University of Washington, where he earned Masters Degrees in Religious Studies Education, Urban Anthropology, and Library and Information Science. Mr. Hall has also completed additional coursework at the University of Buffalo, Seattle University, and St. John Fishers College of Rochester, New York. He has been published in several national publications such as Commonweal, America, Conservative Review, Headway, National Catholic Reporter, Freedom's Journal Magazine, and American Libraries. He has published in peer-reviewed publications, the Journal of Academic Librarianship, and the Internet Reference Services Quarterly. From 1997 until his retirement in January 2014, he served on the Advisory Board of Urban Library Journal, a CUNY Publication.
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